Weekly Schedule



Morning Worship Service - 10:45AM - 12:00PM
Children’s Church and Nursery are available during the sermon

Sunday School - 9:30AM - 10:30AM
Classes for children 4 years - 12th grade, and Adult

Evening Worship Service - 5:00PM - 6:00PM
Our Evening Service takes place at Fardale Chapel (86 Chapel Road)


Our Folds

Our folds are what we call small groups. Its here where we feel that real relationships are formed and true discipleship takes place. We value Bible study, prayer, accountability, and consistency. We have small groups geared for all people at any walk of life. Each fold meets one day during the week. Our folds take a break for the months of June, July, and August.

Click here for a list of our folds and when they meet

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Youth Group

Youth Group - Runs from September 6th through June 20th
Jr High 7:00-9:30
Sr High 7:00-10:00

Click here to view our Youth Ministry page for more information

Special Upcoming Events

Prayer Meeting - 2/25

On Tuesday, February 25th we will take time to pray together. We will gather in Fellowship Hall from 7:00-8:00pm.

Pulpit side Chat - 3/9

On Sunday, March 9 we will have a Pulpit side chat. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions to Pastor Lee. We will gather for about 30 minutes after church in Fellowship Hall.

Pregnancy Center Outreach - 3/22

On Saturday, March 22nd we will take a team of us to Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center to give them a hand however we can from 9am-12pm. We will fold clothes, sort diapers, and help clean up.