Iron Pillars Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry aims at teaching our students who God is and how they can have a personal relationship with Him.  We do this in a number of ways.  First, we teach them the Bible in a fun and relevant way.  Second, we believe in building relationships through small group discussion and prayer.

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"What We Believe" - 
2023/24 School Year Theme

For many of our young people, they can remember back to a time when they were younger and they prayed a prayer with a parent or a Sunday School teacher to accept Jesus into their heart. Some of them grew up in Christian homes where the Bible was read on a regular basis, where going to church every Sunday was a priority, and where Christian values were instilled and practiced. Unfortunately, when some enter into high school or college, they neglect or walk away from everything they were taught as a child. That’s partly because they never truly made their faith their own - they’ve been piggy backing off of mom and dad’s faith. As we come to know the Lord through His Word, and walk this life with Him (questions, struggles, and all), our faith will begin to grow. This school year our theme is: What We Believe. Knowing what we believe forms the basis and foundation for our lives. We seek to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.


Fun Filled Friday Night

We are so excited about another great year of Youth Group! We kick off the year on Friday, September 8th at 7PM with our Bonfire/BBQ! Every night will be packed with fun, fellowship, worship, and lessons!  Our parents will help provide dinner or snacks for everyone to enjoy.  After a time for us to "hang out" we gather for worship and a lesson in a large group format.  After the lesson is presented we break into small groups for discussion and prayer.


When We Meet

Our Youth Program runs from September 8th through June 14th.

We meet every Friday night!

Grades 6-8 - 7:00PM - 9:30PM

Grades 9-12 - 7:00PM - 10:00PM

The Next Big Thing
Summer Missions Trip - 7/7-7/12

From Sunday, July 7th through Friday, July 12th a group of us will go to Washington, DC to serve the Lord with an organization called CSM!